Sunday, 10 March 2019



The social space is, recently, awash with claims, counterclaims and controversies about the status of land in some parts of the country, with delicate political undercurrents.
The value of land is such that it is the greatest measure of a people's power, even as the longest and most vicious wars in history have been fought for the protection or conquest of land.

The purpose of this article in the series is not to establish any contending claims. That will serve no progressive purpose; and will only amount to fanning the embers of conflict. In any case, that is clearly outside our concern.

From a cosmopolitan and commercial point of view, any land duly acquired becomes no (other) man's except the buyer. The position of the law, in simple terms, is that whoever has title to land can dispossess the whole world of it. This is, of course, without prejudice to the overriding title of the Governor imbued with the radical title of all the lands in the State.

Before the substance of the message gets lost in legal labyrinth, the bottom-line is: Your land (wherever it may be!) is your own planet. Your modesty or otherwise in showing deference to the norms and customs of the aborigines is another issue entirely.

Create your own world. Buy that land TODAY!

For more information, Contact:
QL Homes
RC: 2661362


IG: @qlhomes

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