What the Tortoise Did Not Tell the Hare
_“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe”-_ Abraham Lincoln.
We have all heard of the moonlight folklore of the race between the Tortoise and the Hare. Of course, the Tortoise, a slothful animal by nature, was in no way, a match for the fast Hare. Knowing its weakness, the Tortoise started the competition three days and three nights before the Hare who, basking in the assurance of its abilities was slaying and snoring. When the Hare would later join the tracks, the Tortoise was already at the finish line. Wisdom is, indeed, profitable to direct!
As fanciful as this story may be, the insights it offers are timeless. What the Tortoise refused to tell the Hare is that: Time is of the essence. If you begin on time, you will beat even the strongest and the fastest.
How does this tale relate to us? This story teaches the lessons of seizing the moment, staying the course and the will to delay gratification.
Of recent, a popular social media crusader reacting to the ban on motorcycles and bikes in some parts of Lagos mocked those who do not have a car. To him, it was more valuable owning a car “as one could not drive properties around.” On the surface, one may feel his opinion makes sense until it is subjected to further scrutiny.
It is conceded that as circumstances may dictate, a car in itself may be an asset depending on extenuating circumstances. That is overriding the exception over the general rule!
If you build your status upon the convenience of today over the realities of the future, you may just wake up like the Hare to realize that others are at the touchline when you are about to start the race.
Will you make those tough decisions today for a better tomorrow?
When will you start the race: Now, Tomorrow or Never?
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